Writing for the Web Course Lectures

I’ve taught Writing for the Web for Library Juice Academy for several years, the last time being this past March 2018. And I’m so pleased that the fabulous Heidi Burkhardt will be adapting it and teaching it in the future. My colleague Nicole Capdarest-Arest and I co-created this course back in 2014, and it’s been so much fun to teach.

So now seemed like a good time to share the lectures (I’m also sharing lectures from my other course on Usability Testing).

Much of the content is also covered in my book on writing effectively. Feel free to use and adapt, and I hope you enjoy!

Week One: Why Web Writing Matters

Why Web Writing Matters from Rebecca Blakiston on Vimeo.

Week Two: Organizing Web Content as a Conversation

Organizing Web Content as a Conversation from Rebecca Blakiston on Vimeo.

 Week Three: Standards, Style, Voice & Tone

Standards, Style, Voice & Tone from Rebecca Blakiston on Vimeo.

 Week Four: Formatting, Accessibility, and More

Diving Deeper: Formatting, Accessibility, & More from Rebecca Blakiston on Vimeo.