Charleston Conference Panel: The Workflow Librarian
OnlineRebecca Blakiston presents as part of a panel, "The workflow librarian: Reaching library users where they are." How do libraries add value for patrons increasingly working outside library-preferred workflows (e.g. searching via Google Scholar), and accessing the library’s collection off-campus? This is a question of profound relevance to all library stakeholders – librarians, publishers, and …
Lightweight & Impactful: UX in Action and on a Budget
OnlineRebecca presents for UX Wellington. Constraints within the UX process can be a fairly common challenge. Different restrictions such as budget, time, tools, and access to users can lead to new ways of producing lightweight yet impactful work. In this talk, Rebecca will share methods and experiments she has run at the University of Arizona. …
Harnessing Our Superpowers: Organizations as a Design Problem
Newcastle, UK , United KingdomRebecca Blakiston delivers a keynote talk for the sixth annual UXLibs conference. The conference theme is UX and organizational culture. We know that culture eats strategy for breakfast, and shifting to a user-centered culture can be exhausting work. But organizations are made up of people, and as human-centered thinkers, we’re well positioned to lead the …
Florida Library Webinars: UX on a Budget
OnlineRebecca presents for Florida Library Webinars. Free registration for Florida library staff only. Libraries are often strapped for resources, and are fortunate if they have anyone on staff dedicated to UX research and design. Many of us try to squeeze UX work in between other duties, which can leave us feeling both frustrated and exhausted. …
Overcoming Barriers to UX Research
Austin, TX 1900 University Ave, Austin, TX, United StatesRebecca presents at Designing for Digital. Libraries aren’t flush with resources, and UX research often falls to a small team, a team of one, or perhaps no one at all. Barriers appear at every stage: picking a method and designing an effective study (and maybe getting it approved), securing incentives and recruiting enough of the …
A Spring Cleaning Sprint: Let’s Tidy Up Our Websites
Austin, TX 1900 University Ave, Austin, TX, United StatesRebecca presents a workshop at Designing for Digital. Library websites tend to have a lot of content. Our homepages are often cluttered, and hidden in the depths of our websites are often outdated, duplicative, and overly complex web pages, many of which are irrelevant to website visitors. Let's learn some tools and techniques to reduce …
3 Steps to Cleaning Up Our Websites
OnlineRebecca presents for Florida Library Webinars. Free to library workers in the state of Florida. Library websites tend to have a lot of content that’s hard to sustain. Oftentimes, they are filled with outdated, duplicative, and overly complex content. In this webinar, learn three steps you can quickly implement that will reduce your content and …
Break Down Silos and Scale Impact with Research Operations
OnlineRebecca Blakiston and Fan Huang present at Service Design in Government, a virtual conference out of Scotland for anyone involved in designing, delivering, and commissioning public services. Research Operations (ResOps) is well known for providing research tools, establishing research governance, and setting standardized procedures. For large organizations, however, ResOps can go even further, helping to …
Design Studio: Hands-On Workshop
Main Library, University of Arizona 1510 E University Blvd, Tucson, AZ, United StatesIn-person workshop presented by Rebecca Blakiston and Bob Liu for UX@UA. Starting a UX project can be daunting—especially when you need buy-in from stakeholders with an ambitious wishlist. In this workshop, you’ll hear about the "design studio" method, a lightweight session that can happen anytime and anywhere. Learn how to engage stakeholders and collaborators, see what they’d like …
Visualizing the Customer Journey to Improve Library Services
OnlineAre you looking for ways to assess and improve your library services, spaces, and websites? Have you ever considered visualizing your customers’ journey to uncover pain points and new opportunities? Join us for an engaging session where we explore how to bring the library experience to life through powerful visualizations, including customer journey maps, user …